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The horror story in Vietnam:

This is a true story!

Our story is related to one of human’s sins, greed, like somtimes people walk off with someone’s belonging, more formidable than thieving things that are not your own. But one kind of thieving is antiques. The story is about a photographer, he usually wanders around to look for beautiful scenes.

One day, he went to an abandoned temple, after taking photos, he discovered a statue, it has a magnificent vintage look. He is an antiquary so he knew that the statue dated back quite a long time ago, but the temple was abandoned and no one knew about it’s existence. So he took the statue back his home. But from that one, strange things started to happen in his house. For instance, everytimes he went home, all the windows and bathroom doors would be opened. He just didn’t understand why, since he had closed the doors carefully but why did such a thing happen? And he usually had bloodshed dreams that took place in French colonial period, when Japenese militarism tried to extend infuence and privileges all over the world, Vietnam was one of its targets. He dreamed of being in the bloodshed period when French colonial occupied Vietnam. He didn’t think the statue was the cause, since he barely forget about it. It was just an ornament in his house.

But his family also noticed strange things happening, they started to dream about events in the past, such as temples, monks chanting sutras, scenes of that period etc. One night when he got home, everyone in the house heard baby crying, it was not a dream anymore. The next morning, all the fishes in his fishbowl jumped out and dies, its fins had fallen off, blood splatter everywhere. The housekeeper said that was a bad omen. “There must be something in this house,” she said.

The family decided to invited a Shaman to find out what was wrong. The Shaman came and claimed that there was something not belonged to this house, he asked the family why they had brought those things home. The performed miracles, the most frightful thing, he rolled an egg on photographer’ belly, then took out a centipede. “If it took any later, the family would not be saved, the mysterious status that the photographer brought home was an evil one” the Shaman said. It is not a Buddha statue but a Demon statue. It was a demon from Japan. When the Japanese army lost the battle, it committed suicide but the spirit was still wandering around. Some monks had casted it into that statue and placed it under the pagoda, but the place was unconsecrated, since it was a demon’s altar there.

Since there, that family had stopped collecting antiques and never brought anything home again, especially in mountainous areas, never promise anything with the people there or bring their things home. If something is not yours, do not be avid.

This story is a lesson for someone who is greedy, and we also understand more about statues in abandoned temples, sometime it will contain mysterious secrets that we don’t know.

See Chinese link:

Collected by Nguyen Thanh Sang        

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